Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 11

Only 1 more day here. I don't think I am ready to go!

Another run all over town and come home exhausted day. We started the day with a visit to Puerto Madero. This is a major hotel/shopping/parks/historical port area. I thought maybe we´d see a cruise ship in port but we were on a small waterway so I didn´t see any. The Rio de la Plata is like the Mississippi in that it carries so much silt that it is forever changing/extending the coast line further out. So some of the Hotels and port buildings used to be right on the water 50-100 years ago, but are now up to a mile away or so. We met up with a young couple named Paola and Danny who had a little boy about 2. Chad knew Paola when he used to live here and then she served a mission and got married. They were a cute couple. We walked around that area for awhile and took in the sites and then caught a taxi to Plaza Italia where Chad had to meet up with someone to drop off some contacts.

We were going to go back to Recoleta to go to McDonald´s because that is what the other couple wanted but while we were sitting in the park we saw a McDonald´s down the street. I told them we could go there as long as it had air conditioning. It did so we ate. Nothing too special about it. It was a regular McDonald's experience. Woowee. We parted ways and then me and Chad headed back to the apartment to get gifts and regroup so we could head down to southern BA.

The first person we visited was named Fabiana. She is married and has one kid. We only saw the husband briefly. Chad baptised her but she went inactive shortly after that. Chad probably enjoyed talking to her but I was sleeply and missed most of it. Then she drove us down to Manolo's house. They were a cute family. When Chad was here before they had some cute little girls but now they are all teenagers. Kindof crazy. They also have a little toddler. She was adorable. I would've taken her home if I coulda. We were supposed to have an afternoon snack with them but they misunderstood or something and thought we were eating dinner with us and had planned a big BBQ. Unfortunatly we had other dinner plans and couldn't stay. We were already running behind. Luckily they had a car too and then drove us to the Mendoza's house for dinner. We had....empanadas!

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