Thursday, October 23, 2008

1 week left

One more week of work left till the great escape. SO the reason we are going to Argentina is that Chad served his LDS mission there, and like all missionaries, wants to go back to visit. We are staying in the barrio norte section of Buenos Aires which is technically out of Chad's area that he served but most of his area was rural. I am so excited to go to the Southern Hemisphere so like Homer Simpson I can watch the toilets flush in the opposite direction. I promise to post lots of pictures. Like this one. This is the apartment we have rented.

Ok so I am having technical difficulties but here is a link to it.


Emily N said...

Dude- I'm so happy you left a comment so i can FINALLY see your lovely blog. it is lovely, as you are. I'm totally jealous of your trip- it will be amazing. You have to take tons of pictures.

Astrid said...

That will be so much fun. How long are you staying for? Oh and where's my plane ticket!?