Saturday, November 5, 2011

365 days-Day 11 Coconut Shrimp with Orange Marmalade Dipping sauce

Tonight was soooooo good. I think it was my favorite so far. This is one of my most favorite things to eat anyway. Lisa A gave me a recipe for this and I also had one from Publix and they varied a decent amount so I decided to see if there was a recipe online for Outback Gold Coast Coconut Shrimp because I mostly wanted the dipping sauce. Yipee Skipy they have it here:

Yummmmmm. You will love this recipe. It is not hard at all. I mean look at the list of ingredients. A well trained monkey could handle this. It would be easier if you could find already peeled shrimp. I fried mine in my tiny fry daddy and I wouldn't recommend this. I could only do like 3 at a time and even then I had grease boiling over. Most recipes I saw called for pulling oil in large saute pan enough to cover the bottom and cooking there. I also used fresh cold beer (thanks Marsha), not flat; and cooked immediately due to the comments people left on the website.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Have to say the shrimp was delicious! I'm really loving being your neighbor!